SECCCA Spring Update 2021

From the CEO...

It’s been a productive time for SECCCA. The Asset Vulnerability Assessment (AVA) project for the SECCCA region has been finalised. The AVA project is the culmination of considerable expertise and effort from officers across our nine member councils. The project has produced a valuable tool that will help our member councils to understand the cost implications of climate change and how to build climate resilience. The DELWP funded AVA toolkit and guidelines will be launched on 8 December.

The Small Business Energy Saver Program is continuing to deliver money and energy savings to a number of small businesses. SECCCA has also commenced the development of a Regional Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Roadmap.

Working with Greater South East Melbourne, SECCCA managed the engagement of Nation Partners to develop a report that explains why an active decarbonisation strategy for southeast Melbourne will result in investment, jobs, and improved well-being. The SECCCA Councillor Advisory Group has also made several media statements calling on the Australian Government to commit to ambitious 2030 emission reduction targets and to develop a clear plan that drives rapid decarbonisation.

It’s also been a dynamic time for climate change policy in the lead up to the COP26 in Glasgow, focusing attention on how governments will ensure the world avoids catastrophic temperature increases. Unfortunately, Australia has ranked last in the annual Climate Change Performance Index. Clearly, there remains a lot of work to do to ensure our communities are protected from devastating climate impacts and to ensure we leverage the exciting opportunities inherent in the green revolution.

SECCCA's Refreshed Strategic Plan 2021 - 2024

SECCCA’s refreshed 2021 – 2024 Strategic Plan is now complete. The final document is available here.

With thanks to SECCCA Councillor Advisory Group, our management committee and our member councils, the Plan will guide our work across the region to help achieve our vision for a thriving and productive south east region that has a safe and sustainable climate.

The Plan sets goals for SECCCA to

  • Provide leadership for the region to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and build climate resilience.

  • Achieve zero council corporate emissions and lead action to achieve zero community emissions.

  • Prioritise investment to reflect the gravity and urgency of the climate emergency.

For further information please contact Dominique La Fontaine SECCCA CEO

Small Business Energy Saver Program

SECCCA has been engaging with small businesses across the south east since August as part of Sustainability Victoria's Small Business Energy Saver Program. SECCCA's two Small Business Energy Engagement Officers are providing expert advice on how small businesses can save long-term on their energy bills.

Our target is to engage with 1,500 businesses across the one year pilot program that is forecasted to end in June 2022. Our aim is to provide financial support to businesses across the SECCCA region to help improve energy efficiency. Greenhouse gas emissions will also be reduced and resilience to climate change impacts will be strengthened.

There have been over 260 engagements with businesses to date. Business owners who have received their upgrades have been very happy with the result. Read below for more feedback about the program:

The Small Business Energy Saver Program is a great initiative. The SECCCA team did their best to keep up with the changing envelope of the grant and kept up communications at all points. It's simple, easy and the new heat pump unit is a fantastic upgrade to help keep our business green and reduce costs. Solid trades for the install and overall great experience for a very cheap upgrade.” - Mornington Green, Director

Small business owners are welcome to contact SECCCA to discuss their applicability. Please email

Asset Vulnerability Assessment project

SECCCA is pleased to report that the Asset Vulnerability Assessment project, including case studies of several localised adaptation options, is now complete. The project has included mentoring sessions for council officers to learn about the methodologies involved in investigating adaptation options and undertaking high-level financial and economic analysis to inform investment decisions.

Developed alongside the project, the AVA toolkit will be launched on 8 December. All Victorian councils are welcome to attend to learn more about the project outcomes. Initial feedback from the project is that this work is critical in supporting councils to make informed decisions around climate change adaptation and that more work is required to determine adaption options at individual asset levels and locations.

To attend the launch please register here:

EV Regional Infrastructure

Building on the Electric Vehicle Situational Analysis findings, five SECCCA councils have recently commenced the development of an electric vehicle charging roadmap for the SECCCA region.

The Roadmap will identify the optimal locations for public charging and covering the key issues that must be considered for the development of an implementation plan for each LGA and a regional network. A discussion paper and policy template will also be developed, considering relevant planning and statutory requirement, ownership requirements and permits and approvals for leasing on public and private land.

Finally, a future scan will involve consideration of emerging market trends and the implications of these trends for SECCCA members and the Roadmap. SECCCA has engaged the Institute of Sensible Transport to develop the roadmap and the project will be completed in March 2022.

For further information please contact Dan Pleiter, SECCCA Project Coordinator


SECCCA Summer Update 2021


SECCCA Winter Update 2021